Tips for Hiking with a Baby

So you have a baby and you want to hike, right? Whether it’s your first baby or your third, I’ve got tips for hiking with a baby that will make your trek more enjoyable!
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Hiking with your baby is a great endeavor sure to bring bonding moments and memories to cherish for a lifetime. I love being able to stay active with my baby, enjoying nature and exposing them to new sites and sounds with each hike!
Wether you are just getting started hiking yourself or you are a new parent who wants to share your love of hiking with your baby, this list is for you!
Tips for Hiking with a Baby: Gear
Having the right gear is crucial for having an enjoyable hike with your baby! From the carrier you wear to the toys you bring.
Tip 1: Use a quality carrier built with your comfort in mind
I can’t stress enough how important it is to use a quality baby carrier that is meant for prolonged use. I have tried hiking in soft wraps and they will cause a lot of pain in your back and shoulders!
With young babies (from newborn to about 6 months) I like to use the Ergo Original Carrier. It’s helpful to keep really young babies on your front while getting started hiking so they can feel you close.
After about 6 months, once your baby can sit up on their own and has great head control, I recommend using a backpack designed for hiking. You can get away with keeping them in the Ergo, but if you are going to be hiking regularly, a backpack is worth the investment.

This is the one we recommend. You can see a friend using it with her baby, who is about 9 months older than ours, above! It comes with storage, shade and is safe and comfortable for both you and your baby!
Tip 2: Pack only the essentials
The next tip I have is to limit what you are carrying. It might be tempting to lug the diaper bag with you *just in case,* but it’s really not necessary and only adds more things to carry when you are hiking with a baby.
I like to bring just one or two diapers with us. I also pull out a handful of wipes and put them in a sandwich baggy, instead of bringing the entire package. Your needs are going to depend on the time of day, the length of the hike and your individual baby. So just be thoughtful about what you include in your pack.
Tip 3: Bring a play mat or blanket
I love being able to stop and let the baby out of the carrier for a while on our hikes. I think it’s a really fun way to introduce them to nature and spend quality time together! It also helps to let them stretch out and wiggle instead of spending the entire time in a carrier. This is particularly great if you are on a longer hike.

Bringing a blanket or some type of surface they can lay on is a must. We recently purchased a brand new product called the Lay and Play Adventure Mat! It’s a baby activity gym made using tent poles and a waterproof, foldable and durable mat that is perfect for use outdoors. It is very lightweight and comes with a carry bag that you can buckle onto your carrier or throw into a backpack.
Tip 4: Use a pacifier clip for pacifiers and toys for older babies
This is a tip I use in so many different ways! None of my kids have ever taken a pacifier, but I still love pacifier clips! I love to use clips for toys, whether we are on an airplane with questionable floors, on an outing in a stroller or hiking with a baby in a carrier. It makes it so much easier if the toy is less likely to be dropped and lost or made dirty!
When my older kids were babies we used clips to hook a crinkle book or rattle to the carrier to keep them entertained. I’m sure we’ll do the same with our youngest in a couple more months!
If you are also hiking with older kids, check out my kids hiking gear recommendations!
Tips for Hiking with a Baby: Handling Feeding Time
No one wants a hangry baby! Make sure you are taking care of the baby’s food and drink needs to ensure a meltdown-free trek.
Tip 5: Try to feed your baby right before starting your hike
I find that if I feed my baby right before our hike, he will usually be content and usually fall asleep pretty quickly.
You can often find me nursing in the car at the trailhead before we head out! You can do the same with a bottle snacks if your baby is old enough.
It really kills the momentum if you have to stop early on in your hike to feed or get out snacks.
Tip 6: Make sure to bring a bottle or wear clothing that is easy to breastfeed in
That being said, I still always make sure I am prepared to feed him along the trail. Even if you think you’ll be done with your hike before your next feeding, bring a bottle, snacks or be prepared to breastfeed on the trail.
Sometimes if your baby is cranky, a snack will brighten their mood and make the hike a lot more enjoyable! I wear shirts and sports bras that are easy to nurse in so that we don’t have any trouble!
I like the SheFit adjustable sports bras because the straps are velcro and can separate from the cup like a nursing bra.

Tips for Hiking with a Baby: Keeping Him or Her Comfortable
Tip 7: Bring cooling towels and/or a mist fan
Keeping your baby comfortable is crucial to having an enjoyable experience! But you shouldn’t have to be limited to perfect weather conditions. When the weather is going to be on the toasty side, I make sure to bring a cooling towel and/or a mist fan. Remember that your baby is going to be up against you and be pretty warm.
I love Frogg Togg towels. Simply get the towel wet with warm water (I just use a water bottle that was kept in the car) and wring it out. It will stay cool. I put the towel either in between me and the baby or between the baby and the carrier.
A mist fan is also a great way to cool down the baby (and yourself!).
Are you in Colorado? Check out these 31 family hiking trails near Denver.
Tip 8: Bring sun protection!
Because young babies can’t wear sunscreen, it’s important to make sure the baby is protected from the sun. I love these baby sunglasses and make sure to pull up the head covering on the Ergo carrier or use the sun shade on a backpack. If your baby is a bit older, make sure to put sunscreen on their neck, face and arms and legs!
Tip 9: Dress your baby in layers
Similarly, if it’s chilly you’ll want to make sure that your baby is warm enough! I recommend dressing in layers so that you can take off a layer if it warms up. I usually do a onesie with a footed jumpsuit or pajamas over it. Remember that your baby won’t be exercising so even if you are warm enough, they might not be!

Tips for Hiking with a Baby: Be Flexible
Tip 10: Plan hikes that are easy to cut short if needed when hiking with a baby
Even if you follow ALL of the tips above, there will still be hikes where your baby is just plain not having it. Maybe they are teething or tired or just not interested.
Of course, you can power through and no one will judge you, but sometimes it’s nice to be able to call it and head back to the car. I like to plan out and back hikes so that I can always turn around if I need to. If we are hiking a loop, I always assess before the halfway point if we need to head back or keep going.
In order to not feel like it’s a failed hike, plan hikes that have views and things to see all along the way. That way, if you have to turn back you have still enjoyed some scenery. Hikes with a main attraction at the end might be more disappointing if you have to turn back early.
Have older kids to entertain on a hike? Check out these hiking games and activities!
Tip 11: Have fun!
Overall, your attitude is going to be the best predictor of how your hike goes with your baby! I like to remind myself that it really doesn’t matter how far we go. As long as we are out in nature and enjoying the ride, it’s a success. While I love a challenging hike, I always plan with my baby in mind. I would rather do an easier hike that we can enjoy than a harder hike that ends up stressful.
Talk to your baby through out, pointing out the flowers and trees and scenery. As long as they aren’t asleep, they are taking in more than you realize!